9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (2024)



Types of Houseplants

With simple care tips, these palm plants can add lush greenery to your space


Jamie McIntosh

9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (1)

Jamie McIntosh

Jamie McIntosh has written about gardening and special occasion flowers for the Spruce since 2011. She has more than 20 years of experience caring for flowers and plants. She was a feature writer for Organic Gardening at Suite101, where she won awards for her writing.

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Alexandra Jones

9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (2)

Alexandra Jones

Alexandra Jones is an avid urban grower and Master Gardener writing about houseplants, gardening, and sustainability from her home in Philadelphia. She has 10 years of gardening experience and five years of professional writing expertise.

Learn more about The Spruce'sEditorial Process

Updated on 11/30/23

Reviewed by

Debra LaGattuta

9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (3)

Reviewed byDebra LaGattuta

Debra LaGattuta is a Master Gardener with 30+ years of experience in perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. She is a lead gardener in a Plant-A-Row, which is a program that offers thousands of pounds of organically-grown vegetables to local food banks. Debra is a member of The Spruce Garden Review Board.

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Perhaps because of their association with tropical environments, indoor palm plants can create feelings of peace and relaxation like no other houseplant can. Palms are good indoor plants if you can provide the proper conditions, so indoor palm plant identification is key to knowing what each species needs.

Several types of indoor palm trees, including the areca palm and parlor palm, tolerate most household environments quite well. You'll want to keep a few important factors in mind when choosing and caring for indoor palm plants.

9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (4)

Indoor Palm Plant Care Tips

Indoor palm plant care is similar to that of other tropical houseplants. Most types of indoor palm trees like the same conditions we find comfortable: warm temperatures, average humidity, and moderate light. Some indoor palms can even tolerate low light, though this usually results in weaker growth.

Palms are generally slow-growing and need only minimal pruning to clean up dead or broken fronds. Use a quality palm fertilizer to help maintain lush growth. Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests, such as spider mites and scale.

Here are nine of the easiest palms to grow indoors and add a breezy, tropical feel to your home.

  • 01 of 09

    Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinensis)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (5)

    The star-shaped leaves of Chinese fan palm (Livistona chinensis) set it apart from other palms with feathery fronds.

    Despite slow growth, its mature height can reach 15 feet or taller. Seek out the subglobosa dwarf cultivar if you plan on growing this palm indoors.

    Chinese fan palms do well in bright light, but younger plants can tolerate shadier locations. Choose a large pot that will accommodate the plant's long taproot.

    Water when the top of the soil feels dry, and feed this palm once a year in the spring with a slow-release fertilizer.

    • Light: Bright, indirect light; tolerates some shade
    • Water: Moderately moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Emerald green foliage

    Continue to 2 of 9 below

  • 02 of 09

    Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (6)

    Also known as the bamboo palm, the areca palm (Dypsis lutescens)is one of the easiest palms to grow indoors thanks to its tolerance of low light.

    It produces large, feathery green fronds that have a gentle curve.

    The areca palm prefers a moderate amount of water. Plant yours in fertile soil, and give it a monthly fertilizer application to maintain a lush look.

    • Light: Sun or shade but looks its best in bright, indirect light
    • Water: Moderately moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Yellow-green stems and light green leaves

    Continue to 3 of 9 below

  • 03 of 09

    Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (7)

    The majesty palm (Ravenea rivularis)has two great qualities that make it an ideal indoor palm: It's very shade tolerant and is a slow grower.

    However, there are a couple of drawbacks of this palm. It needs consistent moisture and humidity, and it will eventually outgrow an indoor space.

    If you can keep your majesty palm in a reasonably humid area, such as the kitchen or bathroom, then you can look forward to cultivating a graceful stand of dark green fronds thatwill add life to an empty corner of your home.

    • Light: Bright, indirect light for the entire day
    • Water: Consistently moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Bright green to dark green leaves

    Continue to 4 of 9 below

  • 04 of 09

    Cascade Palm (Chamaedorea cataractarum)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (8)

    Unlike palm trees that feature a central trunk, Chamaedorea cataractarum is a very full palm with clumps of fronds that can eventually reach six feet tall.

    You'll be able to separate mature specimens into clumps and propagate them into new plants.

    In its native habitat, the cascade palm thrives along streams and in wet lowlands, so it needs consistent watering when grown indoors.

    Fortunately for houseplant lovers, cascade palms are understory plants that can tolerate limited light.

    • Light: Bright, indirect light; tolerates shade; avoid direct sunlight
    • Water: Consistently moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Dark green leaves

    Continue to 5 of 9 below

  • 05 of 09

    Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (9)

    As the name suggests, the parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans) is one of the easiest palms to grow indoors.

    It grows in average indoor light (or even artificial light) and typical home temperatures.

    Plus, it requires no pruning other than an occasional tidying of dead branches.

    Parlor palms flourish in above-average humidity. Be aware they might attract spider mites if conditions are very dry.

    • Light: Indirect light; avoid direct sun
    • Water: Consistently moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Light green leaves

    Continue to 6 of 9 below

  • 06 of 09

    Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (10)

    Indoor palm plant identification is easy for the ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata), with its short, sturdy trunk and gracefully arching leaves.

    This plant is not a true palm at all—it's actually a succulent.

    The ponytail palm's swollen trunk isn't just ornamental; it functions as a water reservoir for the plant, making it very drought-tolerant.

    Give your plant a sunny location for optimal plant health. Ponytail palms can handle becoming pot-bound. In fact, this can keep growth manageable for a tabletop specimen.

    • Light: Full sun; tolerates bright, indirect light
    • Water: Moderately moist soil, will tolerate dry conditions
    • Color Varieties: Light green leaves

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  • 07 of 09

    Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (11)

    If the sago palm is your first introduction to the world of indoor palm plants, you're in for a treat. Stiff fronds grow upright from a short, shaggy trunk that resembles a pineapple.

    This plant—which is not a true palm but is more closely related to conifers—is very slow-growing.

    Choose an indoor location that receives filtered sun for four to six hours per day. The sago palm needs regular and consistent moisture, but make sure the soil surface is nearly dry before each watering.

    • Light: Full sun or bright, indirect light; tolerates some shade
    • Water: Moderately moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Light green leaves


    The sago palm is toxic to humans and pets. So be mindful about its placement as a houseplant if you have kids or animals.

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  • 08 of 09

    Yucca Palm (Yucca elephantipes)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (12)

    Indoor palm plant identification is very important when it comes to yucca palms. Yucca aloifolia, also known as the Spanish bayonet, has razor-sharp leaves and belongs outdoors.

    Yucca elephantipes is the spineless yucca palm. While its leaves do have a pointy tip, the plant is unlikely to draw blood like its spiny cousin.

    You might also see the indoor yucca palm sold under the name "stick yucca." Tough, strappy green leaves emerge from an attractive, textured trunk.

    The plants are very drought tolerant and grow in light levels ranging from full sun or part shade.

    • Light: Full sun to part shade
    • Water: Moderately moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Light green to bluish-green

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  • 09 of 09

    Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

    9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (13)

    The Kentia palm (Howea forsteriana) thrives in moderate warmth and humidity. It's quite adaptable to a range of conditions, making this species an excellent indoor palm plant.

    Take care to get your Kentia palm's placement right in relation to the light source in your space.

    Too little light will cause slow growth, but exposure to direct sun can burn the leaves, especially for specimens under five years old.

    Water this plant consistently when the top inch or so of the soil has dried out. Underwatering can cause brown tips on this plant's long, arcing green fronds, while overwatering can cause fronds to yellow and die back.

    • Light: Bright, indirect light when immature; mature specimens can tolerate direct sun
    • Water: Lightly moist soil
    • Color Varieties: Bright green fronds and brown stems
The Best Easy Houseplants to Grow in Any Home

The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Chamaedorea Elegans. North Carolina State University.

  2. Cycas revoluta. NC State Extension.

  3. Sago Palm. ASPCA.

9 Palms Plants to Grow Indoors (2024)


What is the best type of palm tree for indoors? ›

Also known as the bamboo palm, the areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) is one of the easiest palms to grow indoors thanks to its tolerance of low light. It produces large, feathery green fronds that have a gentle curve. The areca palm prefers a moderate amount of water.

What is the easiest indoor palm to keep alive? ›

12 Indoor Palm Plants That Are Easy to Care For
  1. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans) ...
  2. Fishtail Palm (Caryota Mitis) ...
  3. Cat Palm (Chamaedorea cataractarum) ...
  4. Yucca Palm (Yucca gigantea) ...
  5. Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis) ...
  6. Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana) ...
  7. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) ...
  8. Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona chinesis)
2 days ago

What is the easiest palm to grow? ›

1. Areca Palm Dypsis lutescens. Also known as Butterfly Palm, Yellow Palm, Golden Cane Palm, Bamboo Palm. In addition to its stunning, graceful appeal, the Areca Palm is one of the easiest palms to grow indoors, making it a great tropical addition to any interior space.

Are palms good house plants? ›

Most palms will do well indoors if you can provide them with bright, indirect light and keep the soil in their containers moist most of the time. Ensure there is some humidity in the air, and keep the palm away from cold drafts and blasts of dry, conditioned air.

Do indoor palm trees clean the air? ›

The Majesty Palm softens up your living space while keeping the air you breathe healthier. These indoor plants can remove formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. Give the Majesty Palm tree a sunny spot in your home and water, and it will thrive.

How long do indoor palm trees last? ›

Parlor palms grow in attractive clumps with light-textured foliage cloaking thin trunks. These slow growers can take years to reach full height (2 to 6 feet indoors and 6 to 16 feet outdoors). Parlor palms can live for a few decades as an indoor tree and even longer outdoors in the right climate.

Why not to plant palm trees? ›

Trees filter ozone and carbon from the air and replace them with oxygen. While palm trees are emblematic of LA, they remove few toxins, produce hardly any oxygen and provide little shade for humans and other plants to thrive in the high temperatures of Southern California.

What is the fastest growing indoor palm? ›

Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is a fast-growing indoor palm that tolerates low light.

What is the best indoor palm for low light? ›

Here's a list of the best low light indoor trees:
  • Areca Palm.
  • Lady Palm.
  • Neanthe Bella Palm.
  • Kentia Palm.
Aug 22, 2021

What is a small houseplant that looks like a palm tree? ›

Sago Palm - This plant is often mistaken for a mini palm tree. It has dark green feather-like leaves that grow directly from a thick trunk. This plant is one of the easiest houseplants to grow and dates back to prehistoric times. It can take the direct sun on its foliage when grown as a houseplant.

What indoor plant looks like a palm tree? ›

Yucca Palm

This palm (Yucca elephantipes) is the most tree-like among palm houseplants. It features thick cane stems with sword-shaped foliage. Grown indoors, the yucca can grow to 5 feet tall. It's very drought tolerant and grows in full sun or part shade.

Are palm house plants toxic to dogs? ›

Palms can be iffy for pets, but the parlor palm is considered non-toxic. Tall and elegant, this pet-safe plant thrives in indirect light and tolerates shadier spots too. They typically reach about four feet, but with care, they can reach eight feet tall.

Do indoor palm plants attract bugs? ›

Pests: Aphids, mealy bugs, mites and whitefly are attracted to many indoor palms, including majesty palms. Watch for any of these pests and get rid of them as soon as you can. Insecticidal soap spray is usually an effective remedy for mites and whitefly, but treatment may have to be repeated.

Should I cut off brown palm leaves? ›

Generally, if you notice brown palm leaves on your palm tree, it's a good idea to remove them. Brown leaves are typically an indication that the leaf is dying or already dead. By cutting off these brown leaves, you can improve the overall appearance of the palm tree and promote its health.

What is the best potting mix for palms? ›

Base soil component: A good base for palm plant soil is a mix of peat moss or coco coir and well-aerated potting soil. You can use a 50:50 mix of peat moss or coco coir and potting soil to create a well-draining base that retains moisture. Sand for drainage: Add coarse sand or perlite to improve drainage in the soil.

What is the best palm for indoor low light? ›

The lady palm (Rhapis excelsa) is a good selection for you. It is a small fan palm that performs well indoors due to its tolerance of lower light intensity, lower humidity and colder temperatures that are typical of a home's growing conditions. It grows from multiple stems, each topped with upright fronds.

Are indoor palm trees easy to maintain? ›

Fortunately, most members of the palm (or Arecaceae) family are slow-growing and require minimal maintenance. Although specific growing conditions depend on the species, most palms thrive with similar care.

What is an indoor palm tree called? ›

37 Types of Indoor Palm Trees To Grow (Pictures): Ranked Best to Worst
Palm TreeHeightTemp
Areca Palm6-7 Feet15 – 75 °F
Parlor Palm2-6 Feet25 – 85°F
Kentia Palm3-12 Feet25 – 75°F
Rhapis Palm (Lady Palm)2-7 Feet15 – 75°F
1 more row

Where should I keep my indoor palm tree? ›

Growing near a west- or south-facing window (but not where the sunbeams will directly hit the plants) is a great choice. Palms grow best with a bit of humidity in the air, too, and away from cold blasts of air from doorways or drafty windows, or hot, dry air from heating vents.


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