The Fae Folk (2024)

The Fae Folk (1)

As far as normal food goes; Faerie Folk eat very little. Favorite foods include nectar, morning dew, flower buds, honey, nuts, fruit (especially berries of all kinds), fresh baked bread, fruit jams and jelly, syrups, candy, and fruit pies. Some are also quite fond (addicted even) of alcohol, especially wines and sweet liqueurs. You see, most Faerie Folk have a terrible sweet tooth and honey, sweet syrups, and candy, especially chocolates, are a weakness. If one wants to get information from, or win the favor of, a Faerie, Sprite, Pixie, Brownie, Grogach, and even Leprechaun, Bogie, Hairy Jack, or Puck, he will ply the creature with sweets and/or alcohol. Leprechauns are notorious boozers, with the Hairy Jack, Puck and Grogach right behind them. The wise person NEVER accepts food or drink from any Faerie Folk, especially from Faeries, Sprites, Pixies, Leprechauns, or Bogies, all of whom are infamous pranksters (and the latter two are known to be thieves and malicious). The substances, including nuts, breads, syrups, nectars, wines, and ales, are almost always tainted, resulting in some strange enchantment upon the poor mortal who partakes of it.

Note: Faerie Foods are sometimes available for purchase at magic shops and drug dens, but only at the most exotic and expensive of places. Their availability is usually subject to special, rare arrangements (pacts) with Faerie Folk or one time raids on Faerie Mounds. The most sought after, for ''recreational purposes," are for decadent aristocrats and practitioners of magic, and include Cinnamon Sticks, Bubbly Wine, Burgundy Wine, Cordials, Flounder, Tarts, Peanuts and Beetle Nuts. The cost of these rare magic foods varies from as little as 400 to as much as 3000 silver pieces per dose/morsel. The more debilitating Faerie Foods, such as Squash, Beets, Pears, Sloe Wine, Mixed Nuts, Roast Pigeon, Frog Legs, Mussels and so on, are usually rarer and cost 4000 to 8000 silver pieces depending on the item and the particular seller. Saving Throws are the same as for most Faerie magic: 16 or higher.

Can You Eat Fairy Food?

Ok, so what about eating fairy food? Is it dangerous? This is a pretty basic question and a valid concern because many are often warned against eating fairy food. Legend says that eating the food of the Fae Folk will cause you to become stuck in the fairy world or go crazy because you will lose taste for all regular food. First off, how would you actually get stuck in the fairy world? Legends say that you will typically be "taken" into the faewyld when you're alone. This will probably be when you're out on a walk. It may take months for this to happen, but you will suddenly go missing. Everyone will assume that you have been kidnapped; it'll be like you vanished without a trace. Some who are taken in the world of the Fae Folk never return while others come back a good time later. Time doesn't work the same in the Faewyld, so it's hard to say how much time you will miss while you're gone or what experiences you will have there.

Alternate Legends say, you will lose the taste for regular food, you can go crazy or die because you simply refuse to eat. Another says that Fairy food will make mortals sick. You might be wondering how you would even eat fairy food. If you can't usually see fairies, then how could you possibly be offered food? The most obvious way would be if you were to eat something you find in the woods in a spot that clearly belongs to the Fae Folk. If you sense Fae energy, hear music, feel as though you're being watched, see a ring of mushrooms, etc., don't eat anything from the area. The most commonly consumed foods in these areas are berries, herbs/leaves, or mushrooms. However, fae will sometimes appear as mortals, too. Imagine you come along a vegetable stand in the middle of an abandoned road tended by children. They offer you free fruit or drink along your trip. This might just be a regular stand, or it might be fae in disguise. The way to protect yourself is to pay for the lemonade. Fae are all about free trade, so its rare for their spells to work if you're actually paying for the goods you receive. It is safe to eat the food of the Fae Folk if its a gift given in reciprocity. Let's say you gave your faery friends a shiny mineral stone and they reciprocate with some berries (that you know for a fact are safe to eat). These berries are a gift in reciprocity,, meaning you won't owe a debt if you consume them. It’s also fine to eat fairy food if you specifically ask for it and are granted the food, as long as you reciprocate with a gift in kind. Fae are all about an equal exchange, but it has to be something you want to do. They won't actually ask for a gift back yet fairy etiquette often demands it and you may be punished if you don't reciprocate. Lastly, you can be offered fairy food by a member of the Fae Folk in dreams or in astral travel. It is recommend politely refusing if possible. This is much more dangerous because you can be more easily tricked.

Enchanted Faerie Food & Drink

The following are just some common examples of magic Faerie Food. Faerie Folk use enchanted foods and drinks as both a weapon and means to have fun or play pranks on non-Faeries. To save vs Faerie food, (that which is not paid for or teraded for) the character must roll 16 or higher, and roll to save for each and every morsel sampled. Although distant cousins to Faeries, Goblins, and Kobolds are also affected by Faerie food and magic, only true Faerie Folk, described in the various Fae Court Section, can eat the items without being affected.
Note that a mortal that resides within the faewyld for more then a year will no longer be subject to the effects of Fae Food because they will on a small scale become of the fae. the longer they live in the fae world the more Fae like they will become.

  • Acorn Nuts: Makes the character act silly and make "corny" jokes and puns. The effect lasts for 1D4 hours.
  • Beef Cake: Males who eat this will immediately consider themselves to be of surpassing beauty and skill. Females who eat this will fall in love with the first male they see. Effects last 1D4 days, though a Remove Curse will break the spell.
  • Beets: The victim becomes extremely violent and will attack the closest non-Faerie immediately. This unreasoning rage will last 3D6 melees. Fortunately, the magic incites a physical pounding and not hacking away with weapons.
  • Blossom Wine: A delicious, light, sparkling wine made out of the blossoms of flowers. A single glass will get the character as drunk as if he drank an entire bottle. It makes the character attractive to bees, as if he are a flower. The insects don't sting, but 4D6 are constantly buzzing around his head and/or crawling on his body or in his hair. The effect lasts for 1D4 days!
  • Bubbly Wine: This enchanted drink causes the drinker to feel lightheaded and very happy and giggly. However, moments later, he or she will actually be floating into the air. The effect is much like a balloon floating up, up and away without control. The character will be a victim of the wind unless anchored down with an extremely heavy object (500 Ibs / 225 kg or more) or tied to a tree or Boulder. In addition, every time the victim speaks, little bubbles escape from his nose and mouth. However, the victim is too drunk and cheerful to care, until the effects are over, then he has a terrible hangover and may have floated miles away. Duration is 1D4 hours per every eight ounces drunk.
  • Burgundy Wine: The drink makes the drinker feel very happy but turns him a vivid burgundy (purple) color. The pigment change is permanent until a Remove Curse spell is performed.
  • Beetle Nuts: A drug-filled nut that causes mild hallucinations in which the victim will see a civilization of friendly giant beetles. Lasts 1D6+2 hours for every nut eaten.
  • Cauliflower: This amusing vegetable causes the eater's ears to grow four times larger than normal. The enlargement lasts 1D4 months unless a Remove Curse is used.
  • Candy Walnut: A random phobia is picked up lasting 1D6 days.
  • Candy Almond: The eater of this enchanted candy will see his skin takes on the look and texture of tree bark, temporarily reducing the player's Physical Beauty by half. Those who see him will assume he is a creature of some sort. The effect lasts 1D6+2 days.
  • Cinnamon Sticks: The victim has the urge to commit acts of sinful evil at irregular periods for 1D6 months unless a Remove Curse is used. However, the person will be very pleased, and self satisfied during the entire time, regardless of alignment.
  • Coffee: The victim of Faerie coffee will begin to cough continuously, ruining their sleep, interfering with their concentration, etc. Reduce Prowl skill by 70, reduce other skills by 10%, and initiative by half. Effects last 1D6 weeks.
  • Cuckoo Eggs: A small poached or boiled egg that temporally reduces the character's I.Q. to 3 and makes him do silly, "coo-coo" things. The effect lasts for 1D4 hours.
  • Cordial: This is a light wine which makes the victim feel very relaxed and good, but also makes them behave extremely politely to everyone and everything they meet. They will try to talk themselves out of dangerous situations and be polite and mild toward their most hated enemy. It also makes the victim lose their initiative and desire to fight. The victim of a Faerie cordial can only enter into combat if they are attacked first. Effects last 1D6 days for every eight ounces they drank.
  • Duck: Whether the character who eats this is lucky or not is a matter for consideration. The said individual gains +3 on all rolls to dodge but becomes very timid. The affected person will never lead a charge and would much rather run than fight. Effects last 1D6 days.
  • Faerie Ointment: A clear liquid that when put in the eyes, enables the person to see the invisible and the aura of magic. This ointment gives the world a wondrous "glow" and appearance humans are not normally accustomed to seeing, thus the person is -3 on initiative. The effect lasts for 1D4 hours.
  • Flounder: The victim is confused and unable to make up their mind. They lose initiative and are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge. Effects last ID6 days.
  • Frog's Legs: The victim's legs assume the shape of a frog's legs, enabling them to leap a number of feet straight up equal to their P.S. and twice their P.S. if jumping forward. This reduces the character's P.B. by half. Most people assume the person is a creature of some sort. The effect is permanent until negated by a Remove Curse spell.
  • Goose: The victim feels like he is being pinched at random times, usually when sleeping or when silence is required, causing him to exclaim, cry "ouch," or suddenly turn toward the apparent source of the pinch. Effects are permanent until a Remove Curse is used. No damage is taken but reduce initiative bonus (if any) by half, and the person tends to get jumpy and a bit paranoid.
  • Green Beans: This vegetable simply causes the character's skin to turn green. Unless a Remove Curse spell is used to negate the magic, the effect is permanent.
  • Honey Buns: These magic, honey-glazed cakes make the character attractive to the uglier Faerie Folk who will fawn all over him (or her), make advances, pinch his bottom, blow kisses, and try to entice his affections! The effect lasts for ID4 hours.
  • Magic Mushrooms: These tasty morsels cause the character to hallucinate pleasant things. While under its influence, the character is -8 on initiative, all combat bonuses, and attacks per melee are reduced by half, and the character can't easily discern reality (and danger) from fantasy. Priests/Shamans are +10% to commune with their deity while under the influence. The effects last ID4 hours.
  • Mixed Nuts: The victim picks up ID4 random phobias which last ID6 weeks. Once the magic is ended the person will forget ever being frightened by such things and insist that accusers to the contrary are mistaken or liars.
  • Mushroom Saute: An enticing, aromatic sauteed mushroom that tastes wonderful but makes the character feel warm, complacent and drowsy; -5 on initiative, -30% on speed, and skills. The effect lasts ID4 hours.
  • Mushroom Tonic: A drink that makes a new man out of you! Gets the drinker drunk with a thimble-sized portion, magically shrinks the drinker to 6 inches tall (0.15 m) and makes the character's hair "poor' out in mushroom-like shape. Duration: 1D6 hours and leaves the person with a terrible hangover.
  • Mussels: Increases a person's P.S. by 10 points, but they become so muscle-bound their P.P. and Spd. are reduced by half as well as losing one melee attack. Lasts 1D6 hours for each mussel eaten.
  • Peanuts: The victim suffers the "call of nature" every ID4 hours or uncontrollably when under stress. Effects last ID4 days.
  • Pears: This creates a temporary, physical double of the victim (a la Doppelganger spell), but of the opposite alignment. The double will exist for only 2D4+2 days. Note: The double will automatically dislike its opposite and flee from him or her.
  • Pigeon Roast: The victim will believe anything he is told while under the effects of the food. Effects last 24 hours.
  • Red Wine: Extreme drunkenness for 2D6 hours, rendering the drinker -5 to strike, parry and dodge and reduce speed 5 points.
  • Skunk Cabbage: This food causes the character to have a rather offensive body odor which can be smelled up to 10 feet (3 m) away. Thankfully the smell only lasts 1D6 hours, but each character who smells this odor must roll under his/her Mental Endurance to avoid vomiting.
  • Sloe Wine: This reduces the drinker's speed and number of attacks per melee by half for 1D6 days. This is wine, however, and has the same effects as normal alcohol for the full duration. Drinking a lot of the wine does not have an accumulative affect (does not add more days to the duration).
  • Squash: This reduces the victim to one-half normal size for 1D6 weeks (Only the victim's body shrinks, not his clothes or weapons).
  • Tomatoes: Causes the victim to temporarily grow 1D6 extra toes on each foot, making it impossible for them to wear normal shoes/boots. Effects last 1 D6 months; -10% to prowl, +5% to scale walls.
  • Turkey: This causes the victim to become obnoxious and ir¬ritating for ID4 days.
  • Tarts: The victim becomes extremely amorous and giddy, almost as if they are drunk, and falls in love with every person of the opposite sex they see. Effects last 1D4 days.

The cure: A Remove Curse spell immediately negates the magical effects of Faerie Weapons, Poison and Food. Unfortunately, finding somebody who is willing to perform a Remove Curse spell or ritual can be difficult and cost a pretty penny.

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The Fae Folk (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.