Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (2024)


The light of a burning torch leading the way through the dark, a hearty meal stewing on a hearth, stories told around glowing embers and flying sparks – fire is one of the bases of human life. Used by almost every human on Earth, it has throughout time provided a source of warmth, the means to cook food, protection from predators, a way of making new tools and weapons, played a role in various religions, rituals, and ceremonies, and been a crucial component of energy production. Without fire, human evolution would not have been possible in the way we know it.

The first evidence of fire being used in a controlled way dates back at least one million years and is linked to our distant hom*o Erectus ancestors in Africa. It is assumed that they were inspired by naturally occurring flames from forest fires and lightning strikes. Realising that the heat they produced could be utilised, they began to look for ways to start their own.

The Science Museum Group houses one of the world’s largest collections of fire-making tools, which illustrates a great variety of techniques and ingenuity. Most objects used to be part of a private museum within the Bryant and May match-making factory’s offices and were acquired by the ornithologist and fire-making enthusiast Edward Bidwell. Bidwell collected between the late 19th- and early 20th century - the height of Britain's colonial power. Tracing the legitimacy of purchases or provenance is therefore difficult and part of a long and problematic tradition of colonial exploitation.

Fire-making photograph

The Science Of Fire

Fire is created by increasing the temperature of tinder, which combusts, creates an ember, and then heats up other material, called kindling, until it starts to burn as a flame. Tinder is a fine material with the ability to combust quickly. How quickly, depends on its autoignition temperature, meaning the lowest temperature something needs to combust only through heat rather than an external source like a spark or a flame. This is influenced by how moist or dense a material is. Depending on region and the fire-making tool that is used, easily combustible tinder includes natural materials like amadou made from fungus, wood or bark shavings, dried leaves, grass, pine needles, and other plant fibres, as well as artificial materials like paper strips, steel wool, char cloth, or petroleum.

Humans have throughout history used different fire-making techniques and tools. These generally fall into one off the following categories: percussion, friction, compression of air, chemical, solar, and electrical. When exactly each method originated is unclear - most have ancient roots and have simultaneously been used all over the world in different regions, cultures, and times. While some of them lost common popularity with the invention of the friction match, they have not disappeared and are often still used in the same or similar ways.


One of the oldest and most widespread methods of fire-making is by using tinder, flint, and steel. Even ‘Ötzi’, the natural mummy of a man who lived 5300 years ago in the Ötztal Alps in Austria, was found with flint, iron pyrites, and a collection of different plants for tinder.

Striking a sharp-edged flint or hard stone, such as quartzite, chert, or chalcedony, against a fire striker of mineral or fire-steel, causes hot, oxidising metal particles to split off the fire striker and ignite tinder.

Fire-steels were invented with the ability to forge iron in the Iron Age. Found all over the world, they come in different shapes and forms, ranging from simple to elaborate designs. All have one feature in common – they are curved and shaped to fit the human hand. This also applies to the large variety of different boxes, bags, and pouches that are used to store the kits and keep the tinder dry. While some are designed as pocket versions to start fires on the go, others are made for domestic use to light hearths, fireplaces, and candles in the home.

An example of a pocket kit is this box from the West Indies, made from the shells of two half-gourds and containing tinder of the flower stem of an Agave plant. Another is this ‘mechag’ pouch from Tibet. The leather pouches, beautifully decorated and featuring a striking plate, are mostly known under their colonial British term ‘chuckmuck’, worn on a belt, and found across North Asia, China, and Japan from the 17th century onwards. This intricately carved object from Norway on the other hand is a domestic tinder box. It is designed to be hung on the wall of a hearth and was a common feature of households until the mid-19th century. While most of them were made of wood or tin, wealthier homes tended to own boxes made of brass or silver.

A more expensive alternative to the tinderbox, which was mostly found in European upper- and middle-class homes, is the tinder pistol. It has a flintlock mechanism, which was commonly used in rifles and pistols, and works by pulling a trigger that strikes a steel frizzen and creates a spark igniting tinder. There are even very convenient models that combine one with an alarm clock . When the alarm goes off, the trigger is released and a candle is lit!

The most popular fire-making tools today are lighters. Lighters consist of a canister filled with a flammable liquid or compressed gas acting as tinder, as well as a mechanism to light it. In 1903, this mode of ignition was revolutionised when the Austrian scientist Carl Auer von Welsbach discovered ferrocerium – an alloy creating a huge spark when being scratched. Based on this, several companies began to develop different types of lighters, ranging from Ronson’s ‘Pist-O-Liter’ to wind-proof Zippo’s and contemporary disposable models. While at first using the hydrocarbon mixture Naphtha as fuel, most lighters produced from the 1950s onwards run on the more controllable and odourless butane.

Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (5)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (6)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (7)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (8)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (9)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (10)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (11)


Rather than quickly striking two objects together and producing oxidising metal particles, friction methods work through grinding solid combustible materials against each other or a hard surface, until their temperature is increased, and an ember is produced. Tinder is usually placed where the two tools touch.

Friction methods are presumed to have originated around the same time as percussion methods. While the principle is roughly the same across the world, the techniques and tools vary and range from drilling to ploughing and sawing. Some, like this model used by Sambaa people in north-eastern Tanzania, consist of a slender twig which is twisted in the drill-pit of a hearth using hands or feet. Others, like this fire-drill from Inuit in Port Clarence, Alaska, are held between the teeth and operated with a thong. All techniques require great skill, fitness, and knowledge of environmental conditions.

Compression of air

Invented in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, fire pistons or syringes work by the compression of air. When exactly this method originated is unclear, but it is also assumed to be prehistoric. Fire pistons consist of a hollow cylinder made of wood, bamboo, animal horns, antlers, or metal. Tinder is placed in the tube and a piston with an airtight seal is rapidly pushed into it. The air inside the cylinder is compressed and the pressure and temperature are increased until the tinder combusts. The same principle is used in a diesel engine to ignite fuel in a cylinder. Its inventor Rudolf Diesel got the idea for his design from observing the use of a Southeast Asian fire piston.

This model is from the Philippines and made of black horn and wood. It was collected by John Whitehead, a British naturalist and explorer, who in the late 19th-century gathered natural history specimens to bring back to the British Empire. Fire pistons were patented in France and England in 1807. They are said to have developed independently and not based on their predecessors from Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, but this is heavily debated.


Exothermal chemical reactions, meaning chemical reactions which release energy into their surroundings, can produce heat strong enough to set tinder on fire. An example of this are Döbereiner's Lamps, which were one of the first ever lighters to be invented. Developed by German chemist Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1823, they function based on chemical reactions between zinc, sulfuric acid, hydrogen gas, and platinum, rather than through percussion like lighters today. They were extremely popular and in the 1820’s, more than 20,000 items were sold in Germany and Great Britain. Being heavy and dangerous, their popularity was short-lived and ended when the first phosphorus matches were sold in 1827.

Matches are arguably the most revolutionary change in the development of fire-making methods. Early examples originated in China around 577 AD and consisted of small sticks of pinewood coated in sulphur. These, however, were not self-igniting and had to be lit by an external source. For a long time, inventors experimented with different mixtures of self-igniting chemical substances. While many indeed created explosions, none of them were able to safely transfer flames onto slow-burning material like wood. This changed when British pharmacist John Walker invented the first successful friction match in 1826. Coated with sulfur and tipped with a mixture of antimony sulfide, chlorate of potash, and gum, it was ignited by being drawn over a strip of sandpaper. With flaming balls sometimes falling off the matches, they were deemed as dangerous, and Walker never patented his invention. A few years after an improved version called ‘lucifer’ matches came on the market, but the biggest change happened with the French chemist Charles Sauria replacing the antimony sulfide with white phosphorus in 1830.Match-making became a popular business and one of the leading producers was Bryant and May, a company based in Bow, East London. Like most factory work, making matches was a tedious and poorly paid task mostly carried out by women and children from the poverty-stricken surrounding areas. The work was particularly dangerous. The poisonous white phosphorus caused a condition called ‘phossy jaw’, which destroyed the bones of the jaw, could lead to brain damage, and was often fatal.

In 1888, the poor working conditions at Bryant and May triggered landmark industrial action known as the ‘Matchgirl Strikes’. Around 1.400 strikers, mostly women and teenage girls, walked out of the factory, leading to the growth of a new trade unionism and shifts in the British Labour movement. While the company agreed to implement small changes towards a better working environment, it took more than ten years for them to stop using white phosphorus.

Bryant and May

The dangers of white phosphorus, which were known long before the ‘Matchgirls Strikes’, led to the development of ‘safety matches’. While matches coated with white phosphorus can be ignited on any kind of surface, ‘safety matches’ only work on specially designed striking surfaces containing red phosphorus. This method was originally pioneered by the Swedish inventor Gustav Erik Pasch in 1844.

Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (16)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (17)
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (18)


As we have explored, the universal need to create a lasting spark has occupied human minds for millennia. This quest did not only lead to ingenious discoveries and inventions, but also changed the society. Ranging from being a crucial survival tool to forming the centre of working-class struggles, objects as small as flint and wooden matches have had an impact far bigger than their size.

Great fire of London: How science rebuilt a city The Great Fire of 1666 brought great tragedy to London, but also new opportunities. Fellows of the Royal Society and other natural philosophers began to influence the look and feel of the city through the rebuilding process.
Ways of Catching a Spark: A History of Fire-Making Methods | Science Museum (2024)


How to make a spark for fire? ›

You can strike a flint rock against another stone or other hard object to create sharp edges, which will enhance your ability to make good sparks with the stone. High-carbon steel works best because it is soft and produces large sparks easily. Stainless steel is too hard and brittle to be effective.

What are the historical ways to start a fire? ›

One of the oldest and most widespread methods of fire-making is by using tinder, flint, and steel. Even 'Ötzi', the natural mummy of a man who lived 5300 years ago in the Ötztal Alps in Austria, was found with flint, iron pyrites, and a collection of different plants for tinder.

How would stone age people make fire without matches? ›

We do not have firm answers, but they may have used pieces of flint stones banged together to created sparks. They may have rubbed two sticks together generating enough heat to start a blaze. Conditions of these sticks had to be ideal for a fire. The earliest humans were terrified of fire just as animals were.

How did they make fire 2000 years ago? ›

Two methods were used to make fire. One was by striking a special piece of iron (strike-a-light) on a piece of flint. The other method is by friction of wood on wood. The strike-a-light was most common.

How can a spark cause a fire? ›

These minuscule bursts of light and heat carry immense power, capable of breaking chemical bonds within flammable compounds and triggering exothermic reactions. The transformation from a mere spark to a raging blaze is an intricate process that unfolds with astonishing speed in the realm of electrostatic fires.

What triggers a spark? ›

An electric spark is an abrupt electrical discharge that occurs when a sufficiently high electric field creates an ionized, electrically conductive channel through a normally-insulating medium, often air or other gases or gas mixtures.

What do we light to make sparks? ›

In pyrotechnics, charcoal, iron filings, aluminum, titanium and metal alloys such as magnalium may be used to create sparks. The quantity and style of sparks produced depends on the composition and pyrophoricity of the metal and can be used to identify the type of metal by spark testing.

What is the history of making fire? ›

The oldest unequivocal evidence, found at Israel's Qesem Cave, dates back 300,000 to 400,000 years, associating the earliest control of fire with hom*o sapiens and Neanderthals. Now, however, an international team of archaeologists has unearthed what appear to be traces of campfires that flickered 1 million years ago.

How to make fire easy? ›

The most popular sustainable method of fire lighting is flint, steel & tinderbox. Other primitive methods are: fire-bow, the plough, the saw, the hand-drill, tinderlighter, firelock, reading glass, & the pump. A magnifying glass or mirror and some sunlight. You can also make a waterball with clingfilm and water[1].

How to make a fire plow? ›

The typical fire plough consists of a stick cut to a dull point, and a long piece of wood with a groove cut down its length. The point of the first piece is rubbed quickly through the groove of the second piece in a "plowing" motion, to produce hot dust that then becomes a coal.

How did man first make fire? ›

How did humans first make fire? There were many ways that ancient humans made fire. Some of the most common methods consist of using friction and wood, but it was also common to use stone and flint.

How to start a fire in the 1800s? ›

In the mid-1800s, inventors created matches. They figured out that by dipping a piece of wood into a chemical called phosphorous, then rubbing the wood against something scratchy, it would start a fire. The pioneers built wood fires in the open hearth of their log homes to keep warm.

How fire was made in 1800? ›

The two most common methods of fire-making before the advent of matches in the mid-1800s were friction and percussion. Of these methods, percussion (flint and steel) was preferred as it was faster. Anyone can quickly and easily master the skill of fire making with the right tools (including char cloth or other tinder).

How do you make a spark without flint? ›

Create friction by rubbing a stick against dry wood to ignite a spark. Rub both prongs of a 9-volt battery against a piece of steel wool to create friction and ignite a spark. Transfer the spark to a pile of dry tinder to start a fire.

Can wood create a spark? ›

A spark is an incandescent particle. Sparks may be produced by pyrotechnics, by metalworking or as a by-product of fires, especially when burning wood.

What are the four ingredients to start a fire? ›

All the four elements essentially must be present for the occurrence of fire i.e. oxygen, heat, fuel, and a chemical chain reaction. If you remove any of the essential elements, the fire will be extinguished.


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