What Are the Pros and Cons of Soapstone Countertops? (2024)

What Are the Pros and Cons of Soapstone Countertops? (1)

Soapstone is known for its durability in labs, but how does it perform in a kitchen? Can it handle a messy family breakfast or a Sunday afternoon football party?

"It is [good for countertops], depending on the buyer," says Mandy Carbia, senior interior designer for Crosby Design Group in Atlanta. "It depends on their style or their taste."

Because soapstone is a natural stone material, buyers are restricted to the appearance Mother Nature creates. Its range of hues are on the darker end of the spectrum. If a client is looking for a rustic style, soapstone could be the right aesthetic fit, but if they want a modern farmhouse look, probably not, Carbia explains.

Consider the multitude of color and pattern options of quartz offered by Caesarstone, as opposed to the more limited range of color choices in soapstone from Crocodile Rocks, a stone supplier in Kenmore, Washington, just north of Seattle.

Crocodile Rocks has an extensive supply of slabs; it's just that soapstone doesn't offer too many varieties when it comes to color.

When choosing a countertop material, Carbia says it's important to ask buyers how they live. For a homeowner who cleans up quickly, marble can make a good option, but for those who tend to leave the sauce out all night, or those who do a lot of entertaining, soapstone could be a better fit because it's nonporous and doesn't stain like other stones.

"It is a softer material, so it does scratch easier," Carbia says.

Homes with children who drop things, or homeowners who prefer cutting straight on the countertop as opposed to using a cutting board, might damage soapstone.

Luckily, though, when a soapstone countertop gets scratched, it can be sanded to correct it, although the finish might not be perfect.


What Are the Pros and Cons of Soapstone Countertops? (2024)


What Are the Pros and Cons of Soapstone Countertops? ›

While it may appear soft, soapstone countertops do not crack easily. This is however a problem when it comes to scratches. The softness makes it easily susceptible to scratches but protects it from cracking.

What are the pros and cons of soapstone? ›

The soft and pliable nature of soapstone can be a bit of an issue when it comes to scratches and dings but it really helps preserve the overall structure of your countertop. The softer nature of soapstone makes it resistant to cracking and so it will have a very long lifespan once installed.

Does soapstone crack easily? ›

The Durability of Soapstone

While not as hard as granite, this material is more pliable. That means it is less brittle, so it won't crack unexpectedly from stress or weight. In addition, soapstone is very non-porous, another important strength that sets it apart from granite, sandstone and slate.

What is the weakness of soapstone? ›

Soapstone is very soft and weak. It can be scratched by fingernail and easily crushed by small pressure or hammering.

Are soapstone counters high maintenance? ›

Soapstone is used because it's heat resistant and needs little maintenance. Soapstone is made of steatite and is called soapstone because it has at least 50% talc, which feels like soap. Soapstone with lower amounts of talc are harder and get used for countertops, sinks and other materials.

Does soapstone crack with heat? ›

Soapstone is essentially inert. Neither hot nor cold temperatures will harm the stone. Soapstone does not expand or contract with temperature fluctuations and it will not crack due to these sudden changes. Architectural grade soapstone is practically indestructible.

Which is better, soapstone or quartz? ›

With quartz countertops, you are assured of getting a countertop that rhymes with your home's aesthetics. Ease of maintenance and durability- Soapstone requires regular maintenance. Also, it darkens over time and will need mineral oil treatments regularly. But with quartz, the ease of maintenance is unmatched.

What happens when soapstone gets wet? ›

Soapstone fresh from the quarry is light gray in color. That rich charcoal color soapstone is known for comes when the stone is exposed to water, grease and oils. These liquids cause the stone to oxidize, which darkens the stone's color and really brings out its natural beauty.

Can you use vinegar to clean soapstone? ›

You can make various natural soapstone cleaners with water and white vinegar, water and soap, water and lemon juice, or many other combinations.

Can you put a hot pan on soapstone? ›

Soapstone is both chemical resistant and heat resistant, so you can set hot pots and pans directly on soapstone without risk of cracking or scorching. Soapstone is much softer and more prone to scratching than granite or quartz however, so preparing food directly on your soapstone counters could easily scratch it.

Which is better soapstone or granite? ›

Soapstone contrasts from other stone varieties in many ways and is rapidly showing how it can be a preferred alternative to granite. Soapstone feels softer than granite but is more durable and less porous, allowing it to be more stain-resistant.

Is soapstone too soft for countertops? ›

Myth #1: Soapstone is too soft for countertops.

It is true that the soapstone is softer than more common countertop choices as granite or marble. As such, it does scratch. But because of its dense composition and forgiving finish, minor blemishes seem to disappear on their own and deeper gashes can be sanded out.

What damages soapstone? ›

Harsh chemicals can cause discoloration and damage to the stone. Instead, use a mild soap and water solution to clean the countertop. Third, avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing pads on the soapstone. This can cause scratches and other damage to the surface.

What is the downside of soapstone? ›

Soapstone cons and drawbacks

For example, because soapstone is primarily talc based it is softer that some stones like granite. It will scratch. In fact it's not a question of if, but when. If you are looking for a pristine surface, soapstone may not be right for you.

Can you use Clorox wipes on soapstone? ›

If you don't have a coating on your natural stone surfaces but are still worried about disinfecting, regular Clorox Wipes can be used to give your counters a wipe down in a pinch, but don't let them sit directly on the stone!

What is the longest lasting countertop? ›

Quartz takes first place in terms of durability. Made of crushed quartz stone mixed with polymers and resin, this artificially engineered stone countertop is an extremely durable surface that resembles natural stone.

What are the disadvantages of soapstone cookware? ›

The danger is shocks. Just like a pizza stone, soapstone may crack if you drop it or hit it hard with something. It will certainly crack if you put cold water on it while it's hot. Though it hardens with use, soapstone does have to be handled with some care the first few times you cook in it.

What should you not use on a soapstone? ›

Soapstone is impermeable to heat, acid, and other alkalis and harsh chemicals as an inert material. You can use virtually any soapstone cleaner to care for this beautiful, indelicate product. Still, we recommend avoiding harsh cleaners that could exacerbate skin and sinus irritations in your guests.

Is soapstone worth it? ›

Scratches, chips, and patina are a part of soapstone, so if you want your countertops to always look perfect and be maintenance-free, then soapstone is not for you. If you are ok with a little bit of imperfection and a small amount of maintenance, the benefits of soapstone outweigh the drawbacks, in my opinion.

Is soapstone hard to keep clean? ›

Any common household cleaner can be used to clean soapstone counter surfaces. Chemicals and acids do not harm it. However, we do recommend that you use regular soap and water because harsher solvents may remove the mineral oil treatment, therefore generating more maintenance.


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