Zinnias: All You Need To Know About Zinnia Flowers (2024)

Zinnias are some of the most colorful and attractive garden flowers. They come in a wide range of colors and varieties and are easy to grow and take care of. In addition, zinnias bloom quite early if temperatures are high and maintain their inflorescences for about 60 days.

Planting zinnias is an excellent choice if you want to give some color to your yard or flower garden without too much effort. They are also very beautiful displayed in vases and floral arrangements.

Further, we will answer some of the most common questions related to the growth and care of zinnias.

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  • Where Are Zinnias Native To?
  • Are Zinnias Annual Or Perennial?
  • When To Plant Zinnias?
  • Are Zinnias Easy To Grow?
  • Do Zinnias Need Fertilizer?
  • Can Zinnias Grow In Pots?
  • Can Zinnias Take Full Sun?
  • How Often To Water Zinnias?
  • What Diseases Do Zinnias Get?
  • Do Zinnias Attract Bees?
  • Do Zinnias Spread?
  • Will Zinnias Rebloom After Cutting?
  • Do Zinnias Need Deadheading?
  • Do Zinnias Need Pruning?
  • Final Word

Where Are Zinnias Native To?

Zinnias are American native flowers. Most varieties originate from the grassland areas of North America, but there are also several species that are native to regions of South America.

The “zinnia” genus includes multiple varieties, but one of the most impressive is zinnia elegans. This species produces large blooms, with multiple rows of petals, and with bright colors ranging from white to orange, red, pink, yellow, and purple.

Zinnias: All You Need To Know About Zinnia Flowers (1)

Are Zinnias Annual Or Perennial?

Zinnias are annual plants. They die after each season and won’t come back the following year without reseeding them. However, if you allow the seeds to drop from the dry flower heads in autumn, the ones who get buried in the soil and survive the winter, will germinate and produce new flowers in the spring after the soil gets warmer.

When To Plant Zinnias?

Zinnias should be sowed outside in early spring after the danger of late frost has passed. The seeds will start to germinate in approximately 3 to 5 days if the temperature maintains roughly between 80–85°F (27–29°C) during the day and 60–65°F (16–18°C) at night, according to Johnny’s Seeds.

Although they grow very well from seeds sown directly into the ground, if you want your flowers to bloom earlier, you can first grow them as seedlings, then transplant them into the garden when temperatures reach the recommended levels. Note that they can be sensitive to transplanting. Hence, to limit the stress, it’s recommended to do this operation on a cloudy day when the sun is not very strong.

Are Zinnias Easy To Grow?

Yes, most people agree that zinnias are some of the easiest garden flowers to grow. They are low-maintenance plants that don’t require too much care. They don’t require too much fertilization and can thrive even in poor soils that other plants won’t grow in. Zinnias are also not very susceptible to many plant diseases.

Apart from their beauty, being so easy to take care of is, in fact, one of the reasons why so many cultivate them.

Do Zinnias Need Fertilizer?

In quality soils, zinnias can grow even without fertilizer. For many years I grew these flowers without applying any fertilizer and each time they bloomed spectacularly, although the soil is not of the best quality in the area where I live.

However, in order for these plants to produce the most beautiful flowers and to speed up their blooming process, it is recommended to apply fertilizer from time to time. A well-balanced 10-10-10 all-purpose fertilizer (order one from Amazon) should do the job.

Can Zinnias Grow In Pots?

Zinnias can grow well in pots, but make sure the container has enough drainage holes to enable the excess water to leak out.

You also need to make sure you choose a soil type that doesn’t retain too much water. If it’s soggy permanently, the roots of your zinnias can quickly rot and the plants will eventually die.

Can Zinnias Take Full Sun?

Yes, zinnias can take full sun. Not only do they withstand the full sun, but it is even recommended to grow these plants in an area where they can enjoy plenty of sun and heat throughout the day.

While zinnias can grow in partial shade, they are more prone to developing fungal diseases, and usually bloom less.

How Often To Water Zinnias?

Although zinnias have relatively shallow roots, they are pretty drought-resistant plants. Because they can withstand dry soils better than soggy soils, zinnias don’t require daily watering.

In general, you should water them once every two or three days, but this schedule may vary from region to region and depending on the time of the year.

What Diseases Do Zinnias Get?

Unlike other plants, zinnias are quite resistant to disease. The most common diseases that these plants develop, according to the Missouri Botanical Garden, are powdery mildew and Alternaria blight (also known as zinnia blight).

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease distinguished by the occurrence of a grayish-white powder (similar to wood ash) on the foliage of the plants. Later, it can also extend to stems and flowers.

Zinnia blight (Alternaria blight) is a common disease of zinnias and is caused by a fungus called Alternaria zinniae. Symptoms of zinnia blight include red-brown spots that occur on the upper side of leaves with grayish-white spores that develop in the middle. Eventually, the foliage will turn brown and dry out. In the advanced stages of the disease, the stems and flowers can also be affected.

While these are probably the two most common diseases of zinnias, there are more fungal diseases that can affect them. Some species of zinnias are more susceptible to disease than others.

The most effective treatments for fungal diseases include copper-based fungicides, applied either for prevention or for treating the diseases in their early stages.

Zinnias: All You Need To Know About Zinnia Flowers (2)

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Most fungal diseases of zinnias are usually caused by too much moisture or because they do not have enough sun.

Do Zinnias Attract Bees?

Yes, zinnias attract many bees, butterflies, and other insects. Their flower heads produce plenty of pollen which is picked up by bees and other pollinators.

So, if you are allergic to bee stings, or do not want insects near you, you should not plant zinnias close to your house.

On the other hand, bees, butterflies, wasps, beetles, flies, and other pollinators are very beneficial for your garden. They help the plants produce fruits by transferring the pollen from the male parts of the flower to the female parts. Without pollination, plants can produce many flowers, but will not bear fruit.

Therefore, planting zinnias near your garden plants may be a good strategy to attract pollinators. Watch out, however, for the common diseases and pests that may affect both zinnias and the plants in the vicinity.

Zinnias are also known to attract hummingbirds. Hence, if you are an ornithologist or just someone who loves hummingbirds, you may want these flowers near your house.

Do Zinnias Spread?

As mentioned earlier, zinnias are annual plants. At the end of the vegetative cycle, they produce seeds and then die. So the only way these plants can spread is through their seeds.

Therefore, if you do not harvest the seeds in the fall and they drop on the ground and manage to get covered by soil and withstand the winter, the seeds can germinate the following spring and produce new plants that can spread in the nearby area.

Will Zinnias Rebloom After Cutting?

Yes, zinnias will produce new flowers after cutting them, and that is one of the reasons why so many people love them.

Even after you cut the flowers, zinnias will subsequently produce other blooms. However, you need to make sure that when you cut the flowers, you remove the entire stem section and cut the flower just above the leaves’ joint.

Here’s a very helpful video from Renee’s Garden Seeds YouTube channel that covers this aspect in detail.

Do Zinnias Need Deadheading?

Deadheading is a way to make your zinnias produce flowers for an extended period of time by removing the wilted, or damaged old flower heads.

Zinnias multiply by seeds. To produce the seeds, the plant first needs to produce the flowers. Hence, if you cut its flowers, the plant will have to develop others in order to produce seeds and ensure its propagation.

So, deadheading zinnias is a strategy to enjoy the flowers produced by them all season, without the need to grow other plants. Just make sure that you cut the flower head just above a set of leaves, removing any stem leftovers.

Do Zinnias Need Pruning?

Pruning zinnias is not mandatory but is a good way to obtain more robust and bushier plants. This will also help the plant to split and, therefore, produce more blooms.

Normally, most zinnias varieties grow tall and thin. The plants are then susceptible to be knocked over by strong winds or water unless you plant more zinnias nearby to support each other. However, zinnias planted too close will be more prone to developing fungal diseases and suffer from nutrient deficiency.

One way to get stronger zinnia plants is to prune them. This operation will encourage the plant to grow wider instead of taller.

Prune zinnias, when the plants produce their first blooms. Use a garden shear and cut the blooms off above the first ramification from the top.

Below is a video from Hoss Tools that explains the benefits of pruning your zinnias and shows how to do that correctly, without hurting the plant.

Final Word

Although zinnias are considered some of the easiest plants to grow, there are a few things you need to know in order to enjoy these flowers for as long as possible.

We have tried to answer some of the most common questions regarding the growth and care of zinnias and I hope you’ll find these answers useful.

Zinnias: All You Need To Know About Zinnia Flowers (2024)


Zinnias: All You Need To Know About Zinnia Flowers? ›

Zinnias prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Zinnias are highly attractive to pollinators, particularly butterflies. Three types of blooms: single, double, and semi-double. Zinnias have a wide range of heights, growth habits and flower colors.

How many flowers will one zinnia plant produce? ›

Every seed grows a new zinnia plant, and every zinnia plant can grow 10 or 20 or 30 beautiful new flowers.

How long do zinnias take to bloom? ›

Zinnias typically take around 2 months from seed to flower, although this can change depending on weather conditions. Here are some additional tips to grow zinnias: Choose a bright and sunny spot for your zinnias. Cover zinnia seeds with just ¼ inch of soil because they need light to germinate.

Where is the best place to plant zinnias? ›

As the plants grow, they push up through the grid of netting and get the support they need. Zinnias like the heat, and it's important that they are grown in full sun. In addition to choosing a sunny spot, I always grow them in fabric for the added heat.

Does cutting zinnias make more grow? ›

I prefer using needle nose pruners, which allow you to get right to spot on the stem where you want to cut. Pinching your flowers back encourages the plant to branch out and produce more blooms. Zinnias are cut-and-come-again plants, so the more you cut from them, the more they'll produce for you.

Do zinnias come back every year? ›

Zinnias are annuals in most areas of the country that have four seasons, including a cold winter. This means they last for one season. If you want zinnias every year, you will have to replant every spring. Zinnias are not cold tolerant, so check your last freeze date for your growing zone.

Do zinnias do better in pots or in the ground? ›

Zinnias are vibrant and colorful flowers that add beauty to any garden. If you have limited space or lack a traditional garden bed, growing zinnias in pots is an excellent alternative.

How do I keep zinnias blooming all summer? ›

It's time to cut! Cut deeply on the plant to get a long, strong stem. Remove the foliage and don't be afraid to cut off side shoots on the main stem you just harvested. Zinnias are a “cut and come again” flower, so when you cut the plant “hard,” it responds by sending out even more long, strong stems all season long.

Do zinnias like to be crowded? ›

Thin seedlings: Once the zinnia seedlings have grown their first true leaves, thin them to about 6-18 inches apart (15-45 cm) to give them room to grow. Don't crowd zinnias to keep them disease-free and avoid powdery mildew. Air circulation is important.

What happens if you plant zinnias too close together? ›

Taller varieties may benefit from staking, especially if they are in a windy area. Why are my zinnias tall and thin with much smaller flowers than expected? If zinnias are planted too closely together they will produce tall plants and much smaller flowers.

How do you keep zinnias bushy? ›

Solution: Once they reach 10–12″ tall, prune off the top 3–4 inches of the plant right above a set of leaves. This will force the zinnias to branch, and your plants will be shorter and bushier. This is what commercial flower growers do.

How often should you water zinnias? ›

Even though zinnias can tolerate short periods of drought, Mbofung-Curtis says they'll grow best in moist soil. "Water plants about three times a week so that the soil stays moist to about 6 to 8 inches deep," she advises. For potted plants, she recommends only watering them when the soil feels dry.

What month is best to plant zinnias? ›

Plant zinnias in late spring, after the last frost has passed and the soil is warm. Start seeds indoors in individual containers, set out purchased plants, or direct-sow into warm soil. Poke seeds into the soil about one-half inch (1 cm) deep and 3 inches (8 cm) apart.

What do overwatered zinnias look like? ›

Overwatering can turn your zinnias into a soggy mess, leading to droopy leaves and the dreaded root rot. It's like giving your plants a bath when they just need a quick shower. Check the soil; if it's wetter than a rainforest floor, hold off on the H2O.

Can I just scatter zinnia seeds? ›

Can I just Scatter Zinnia Seeds? I love that zinnia seeds can be scattered or evenly placed in your soil. It is recommended that they be planted ¼ inch deep in moist soil. Most packets say that you space seeds about 6 inches apart, with rows at least 12 inches apart.

Does deadheading zinnias produce more flowers? ›

To keep zinnias blooming all summer long, flowers should be removed as they begin to fade. This is called deadheading, a simple pruning technique that encourages new growth and reblooming.

Do zinnias bloom twice? ›

Zinnias are a “cut and come again” flower, so when you cut the plant “hard,” it responds by sending out even more long, strong stems all season long.

Do zinnias bloom continuously? ›

Most varieties are prolific bloomers, and flower continuously from summer to frost. This long bloom season makes them excellent for landscape color in mixed plantings or for cutting gardens. Zinnias are one of the best annuals for attracting pollinators, especially butterflies.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.