How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (2024)

Like any animal, chickens need space. This is why one of the most important questions when planning your first chicken coop is, “how big of a chicken coop do I need?” Whether you plan on keeping your flock confined or free-ranging them, your chicken coop needs to be the right size for the number of chickens you are raising (or plan to raise). Even if you are limited by how much property you have or the number of chickens you are allowed to keep, having the right size coop for your flock is essential for keeping them happy, healthy and preventing bad behaviors.

Unsure of where to begin? We will cover how much space you need in your chicken coop and chicken run. Plus, we’ll give you some insight into how to plan for the spatial needs of Bantams.

Why Coop Size Matters

How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (1)

Coop size isn’t just about shelter. Providing a healthy amount of space for each of your flock members improves their overall quality of life. Here is how coop size affects the overall wellbeing of your flock:

Minimizes Stress

Chickens that are not overcrowded in their coop will be less stressed and will be able to establish a more stable pecking order, be more productive, and be happier.

Prevents Bad Behaviors

Overcrowding in the chicken coop can lead to bad behaviors such as bullying, feather pulling, egg eating (improper number of nesting boxes), and sleeping in the nesting boxes (not enough roosting space).

Healthier Chickens

Having enough space in the chicken coop can help prevent bad bacteria and harmful microorganisms from building up and causing disease. Plenty of space can also prevent parasites from spreading throughout your flock.

Keeps the Coop Cleaner

A spacious coop will be easier to keep clean and will minimize droppings build-up which can lead to a stinky, unhealthy coop environment.

How Much Room Do Chickens Need?

How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (2)

There are various factors to take into account when determining the size of your coop. From size to lifestyle, there is rarely a one-size-fits-all approach. The best approach is often to make a list of your flock size, breeds, notes on your climate, city or county ordinances, and available space to build. From there, you can more easily hone in on the best size for your flock using this article.

How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need in Relation to My Flock Size?

Chickens will thrive when they are given as much space as possible! However, building a chicken coop mansion is not always possible. There is some good news though! Chickens can still be happy and content when you follow some general guidelines for allowing a certain amount of space per bird in your coop plan.

Coop Space vs. Chicken Run Size

Allowing plenty of space in the chicken coop for each chicken is important, however, the enclosure space is also just as important! Chickens will spend the majority of their time outside when given the chance, so providing your flock with plenty of outdoor enclosure space is almost more important than plenty of coop space.

Enclosure Specifications

You may find that your flock spends more time in their enclosure than they do in the actual chicken coop. Having a spacious enclosure that is bigger than the bare minimum that you need is important for all the same reasons as having a big enough coop.

When figuring out how much enclosure space you need for your flock, you will want to consider factors such as covering the enclosure and including enrichment in the enclosure.


Enrichment items such as perches, ramps, tunnels, logs, stumps, and ladders will all take up space, but they can also increase the enclosure’s vertical space as well. Adding enrichment to the enclosure can help keep your flock stimulated and entertained in the enclosure space that they are provided.

Protection from the Elements

Covering the enclosure will not only protect your flock from predators and weather elements, but it also allows the enclosure to be used year-round and every day by your flock. This can be extremely helpful if your coop space is at a minimum and you can’t free-range your flock. A covered enclosure is basically like an extension of the chicken coop.

Coop Specifications

Your girls will spend their nights in the coop. They will also use the nesting boxes throughout the day, and you may find some of your gals like to frequent the coop for a little alone time.

Roosting & Nesting Space in the Coop

Aside from floor space in the chicken coop, you will also want to plan out enough roosting space and enough nesting boxes in the chicken coop for your flock. Consider whether feeders, waterers, or nesting boxes will take up any floor space in the chicken coop and factor that into your final coop size as well.

Here are some general guidelines for roost and nesting box space requirements:

      • Roosts (standard chickens breeds): 8” per chicken
      • Roosts (heavy chicken breeds): 12” per chicken, no more than 1-2 feet high
      • Nesting Boxes (standard chicken breeds): 12” x 12” x 18”, 1 nesting box per 4 to 5 hens
      • Nesting Boxes (heavy chicken breeds): 14” x 14” x 20”, 1 nesting box per 4 to 5 hens

General Coop Size Guidelines Based on Flock Size

You can then figure out how big of a chicken coop you need based on what breeds you plan to raise and how many chickens you want to have in your flock. However, to make the math a little easier, we have figured out some minimum space requirements for a few general flock sizes:

      • How big of a chicken coop for 6 chickens: 24 sq. ft. coop, 48 sq. ft. minimum run space
      • How big of a chicken coop for 10 chickens: 40 sq. ft. coop, 80 sq. ft. minimum run space
      • How big of a chicken coop for 20 chickens: 80 sq. ft. coop, 160 sq. ft. minimum run space

These guidelines are based on the space needs for a standard-size chicken. If you are raising standard heavy breed chickens, you will need to add an additional 4 square feet of coop space per bird and an additional 7 square feet of run space per bird.

Remember, these guidelines are just minimums! If you can go bigger with either your chicken coop or the enclosure, by all means do so. Your flock will thank you for the extra space!

Still Planning Your Flock?

Is your flock size not listed? Don’t worry, the math is simple! Just multiply the number of chickens you plan to keep by the correct square feet space guideline for heavy or light breed chickens. You will want to figure out both the coop space and the enclosure space based on the size of your flock.

How Much Space Does Each Chicken Need?

How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (3)

Chickens are flock animals and need to be surrounded by other chickens to stay stimulated, feel secure, and be happy. However, you don’t want to just consider how much room your chickens need based on flock size alone. Even though chickens need to be around each other, they also need enough individual space for everyone to get along well.

You will need to plan a coop that will accommodate the size flock you plan to raise.

So, how much room does a chicken need? As much room as you can give it! But ultimately, that’s not practical when building a chicken coop for your flock.

Keep in mind that your county, parish, or city may have guidelines for the minimum space required per chicken.

General Space Guidelines Per Chicken

Here are some general space guidelines for your chicken coop and the chicken coop enclosure or run:

      • Standard Breed Chickens: 4 square feet of coop space per bird; 8 square feet of run space per bird
      • Standard Heavy Breed Chickens: 8 square feet of coop space per bird; 15 square feet of run space per bird

Determining a Coop Size for Bantams

Bantams are basically miniature chickens that are a quarter to a fifth the size of a standard size chicken. Given their smaller size, bantams are popular for backyards where limited space is an issue. Bantams can have a smaller coop and enclosure than standard-size chickens, but they still appreciate as much space as you can give them!

Here are some general space guidelines for designing a chicken coop for bantams:

      • Coop Space: 2 square feet per bird
      • Run Space: 5 square feet per bird (minimum)
      • Roosts: 6" per bird
      • Nesting Boxes: 12" x 10” x 10”, 1 nesting box per 4 to 5 bantam hens

If you raise both bantams and standard chickens together, it is okay to base the coop space needs, roosts, and nesting boxes on standard-size chickens.

Factoring Your Chickens’ Unique Needs into Coop Planning

How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (4)

How much space a chicken needs depends on the chicken’s breed. There are two general size categories of chickens, standard-size chickens, and bantam chickens. Bantam chickens are the smallest chicken breeds. Standard-size chickens are larger than bantams and can be further categorized into weight categories such as heavy breeds and light breeds.

For obvious reasons, bantam chickens will need less space than standard chickens. And heavy standard chickens will need more space than light standard chickens.

We recommend keeping the size in proportion to your chickens’ full-grown weight. When you have a mixed flock, it is a good idea to plan the coop size based on the largest chicken breed you plan to raise.

Lifestyle, Temperaments, & Coop Size

How much space a chicken needs will also depend on how you plan to raise your flock. If your flock needs to stay confined for the majority of their day (or all day), then you will need a larger coop versus if you plan on free-ranging your flock.

Factoring Chicken Breed & Temperament into Coop Size

Another factor that plays a role in how much room a chicken needs in the chicken coop include a chicken breeds temperament. Chicken breeds that have a more assertive and active temperament will need more space to prevent bullying and feather pulling.

Big Personalities = More Personal Space

Standard light-breed chickens tend to be smaller and their temperaments are more assertive and active, so they benefit from more space. Most standard light chicken breeds will fall into the space guidelines for a standard breed chicken.

Big Girls Need Extra Space

Even though heavy-breed chickens tend to have laid-back, less active temperaments, they still need more space given their large size. A few heavy-size standard breed chickens include Jersey Giants, Orpingtons, Brahmas, and Cochins.

Some assertive and larger breeds that will need a bit more personal space per chicken include:

      • Old English Games
      • Modern Games
      • Wyandottes
      • Sumatras
      • Faverolles
      • Asils
      • Jersey Giants
      • Orpingtons
      • Brahmas
      • Cochins

Considering Climate in Coop-Size Planning

Regional weather conditions and climate can play a major role in how much run space and coop space your flock needs. Consider your region’s weather patterns as well when determining the covered space for your chickens.

Colder Climates

If you live in northern regions where the winter weather may cause your flock to be confined for extended periods of time, you will want to plan on having a large enough coop to provide your flock with plenty of indoor space.

Hot & Dry Climates

For regions that experience extremely hot weather, a large coop with a higher ceiling can aid with aid flow and keep the coop cool.

Inclement Weather: Storms, Hurricanes, & Ice

In regions that experience inclement weather frequently, having a large coop can allow your flock plenty of space even when they have to be cooped up inside due to the weather.

Why Bigger is Better for Your First Coop

How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (5)

When planning your chicken coop, you always want to plan out a bigger coop than what you actually need. Chicken math is real, and you may find yourself adding to your flock after a year or two of raising chickens. Planning out a larger coop than what you initially need will prevent you from having to get another chicken coop or trying to add on an addition to your existing coop.

Better Overall Chicken Wellbeing

Even if you are restricted with how many chickens you are allowed to keep in your flock, having as big of a coop as possible will help keep your chickens happy and healthy. A chicken coop that is not big enough for the number of chickens living in it can lead to some serious flock issues.

Coop Size Pro Tip: Plan Ahead & Build or Buy Once

How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (6)

Whether you are planning on building a chicken coop for your backyard flock or are looking at buying a chicken coop, first figure out how much coop space you will need for the size of your flock. Always plan on investing in a bigger chicken coop than you need.

Chickens appreciate as much space as they are given, and you never know when you might be adding to the flock! Keeping these general space requirements for chickens in mind when you are designing the chicken coop will help you prepare a proper size coop and enclosure for a happy and healthy backyard flock!


How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? (2024)


How Big of a Chicken Coop Do I Need? ›

General Space Guidelines Per Chicken

What is the rule of thumb for chicken coop size? ›

An easy way to determine what size coop best fits your flock is to do simple calculations. If you plan on your chickens to have a large run, they will need 2.5 to 4 square feet per chicken inside the coop. If you will have a smaller run, the coop will need to be larger at 5 to 10 square feet per chicken.

How many chickens can you have in a 4x8 coop? ›

8 large standard chickens would be ok for space in a coop with your floor space of 4 x 8 feet. The general rule, which takes into consideration that your birds may spend days or even weeks in that coop when the weather keeps them in. 1 adult large standard chicken per 4 square feet.

How many chickens can I put in a 10x10 coop? ›

A chicken needs about 4 square-feet per bird inside the coop. That means a 10x10 coop would comfortably hold 25 birds. Remember, they also need about 10-12 inches per bird to roost on at night.

Is a 4x4 coop big enough for 8 chickens? ›

The 4×4 wooden mobile tractor coop is the perfect starter coop. This is a coop for 8-10 hens or ducks. The tractor coop can be moved from one location to another, to give your feathered friends a new and fresh environment. Get the options you need to make your hens or ducks happy and healthy year-round!

Can a chicken coop be too big? ›

While it is important for your chickens to have enough room, a coop can be TOO large. Especially if you live in a climate with cold winters, if your birds have too much space they will have trouble generating enough heat in winter.

How many chickens do I need for a dozen eggs a week? ›

Planning for Egg Production Per Week

If you wanted to get about a dozen eggs per week, you would need between 3 to 5 laying hens. For two dozen eggs a week, you would need to double those numbers for a flock size of between 6 to 10 laying hens.

How far away from the house should a chicken coop be? ›

No matter how strong the urge is to set your chicken coop directly next to your house, resist it. Besides the unpleasant odor and noise, chickens can attract pests you don't want to welcome to your home. In most cases, about 25- 30 feet away from the house is sufficient.

Should you close a chicken coop door at night? ›

Chickens wake up at dawn or sometimes earlier and immediately want to be let out of the coop. When raising chickens, you'll also have to close the coop at night to ensure the safety of your flock. Along with feeding and watering them, it can add up to be very time-consuming–but don't let this deter you.

What temperature is too cold for chickens? ›

The answer is - it depends. Chickens are comfortable at temperatures as low as 40-45 degrees Fahrenheit but can withstand subzero temperatures with a draft-free shelter. However, it is important to note that the actual temperature tolerance of chickens depends on various factors such as breed, age and overall health.

Do chickens prefer grass or dirt? ›

Chickens love scratching up dirt, dust bathing in it, and gobbling up grass, weed seeds, and insects, worms, and other invertebrates they find while scratching. When confined to a small outdoor run even a few chickens will soon devour every bit of grass and convert it to bare dirt.

Is a 4x6 coop big enough for 10 chickens? ›

A Coop for 6 to 10 Hens

The 4×6 mobile chicken coop is ideal for backyard growers and small farmers who want a predator-free haven for 6 to 10 chickens.

How many chickens can you put in a 4x8 run? ›

4x8 Dutch Coop

Perfect for the backyard chicken hobbyist, this 4×8 Dutch style chicken coop houses 15-20 chickens. Purchase one for your hens from Horizon Structures! This little country barn style coop is just too cute to resist. Your hens are comfortable in the large interior with generous light and ventilation.

How many chickens will a 6x8 coop hold? ›

How Many Chickens Can Fit in a 6×8 Chicken Coop? You can fit about 10-12 chickens into a 6×8 chicken coop comfortably.

How many chickens can fit in a 12 by 12 coop? ›

The 12×12 coop is designed to hold up to 100 birds.

How many chickens can fit in a 6x8 coop? ›

How Many Chickens Can Fit in a 6×8 Chicken Coop? You can fit about 10-12 chickens into a 6×8 chicken coop comfortably.

How many chickens can fit in a 4x6 coop? ›

This coop is an ideal choice for a chicken coop for 8 chickens. All our other 4×6 chicken coops are designed to accommodate 10-12 chickens.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.