The value of Posting Articles on LinkedIn (2024)

The value of Posting Articles on LinkedIn (1)

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Ratul Das The value of Posting Articles on LinkedIn (2)

Ratul Das

Search Engine Optimization Specialist at Aider Education

Published Nov 12, 2023

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Posting articles on LinkedIn can have several potential benefits, depending on your goals and how effectively you use the platform. Here are some reasons why posting articles on LinkedIn can be valuable:

  1. Professional Branding: Sharing well-written and relevant articles can help establish you as an authority or thought leader in your industry. Consistently providing valuable content can contribute to building your professional brand.
  2. Networking: LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, and posting articles can help you connect with like-minded professionals. It provides an opportunity to engage with your network and build relationships within your industry.
  3. Visibility and Exposure: When you post articles on LinkedIn, they are shared with your network, potentially increasing your visibility. If your content is engaging and valuable, it might be shared further, reaching a broader audience and increasing your exposure.
  4. Showcasing Expertise: Articles allow you to showcase your expertise in a specific area. By sharing insights, best practices, or industry trends, you demonstrate your knowledge and experience to your network.
  5. Engagement and Interaction: LinkedIn articles can spark conversations and engagement. Followers and connections may comment on your posts, providing an opportunity for meaningful interaction and discussion.
  6. Recruitment and Job Opportunities: If you're looking for job opportunities or seeking talent for your organization, LinkedIn is a powerful platform. Posting articles related to your industry or profession can attract the attention of recruiters or potential employers.
  7. Content Repository: LinkedIn articles become part of your profile and can serve as a content repository. This can be valuable for anyone looking to showcase a portfolio of their work, achievements, or expertise.
  8. Educational Value: If your articles provide educational value to your network, they are more likely to be appreciated and shared. This can contribute to building a positive reputation within your professional community.

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When posting articles on LinkedIn, it's essential to consider the following tips:

  • Quality over Quantity: Focus on creating high-quality, valuable content rather than posting frequently without substance.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments on your articles and engage with your audience. This interaction helps build relationships.
  • Use Visuals: Including images, infographics, or videos can make your articles more engaging and shareable.
  • Optimize for Keywords: If appropriate, include relevant keywords in your articles to enhance their discoverability.
  • Promote at the Right Time: Consider the timing of your posts. Posting during peak hours or when your target audience is most active can increase visibility.

In summary, the value of posting articles on LinkedIn lies in building your professional brand, networking, increasing visibility, showcasing expertise, and creating opportunities for engagement and interaction within your professional community.



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The value of Posting Articles on LinkedIn (2024)


The value of Posting Articles on LinkedIn? ›

Visibility and Exposure: When you post articles on LinkedIn, they are shared with your network, potentially increasing your visibility. If your content is engaging and valuable, it might be shared further, reaching a broader audience and increasing your exposure.

What are the benefits of posting articles on LinkedIn? ›

Overall, publishing articles on LinkedIn can be a powerful tool to establish your professional presence, share your expertise, and connect with a wider audience of professionals who share similar interests.

Is it worth writing articles on LinkedIn? ›

LinkedIn articles are known for their vast reach and higher engagement rates. That said, writing a LinkedIn article requires more expertise and is time-consuming. A LinkedIn Post may be a better option if you're not comfortable writing at length or don't have the time to invest in a longer piece.

Is it good to share articles on LinkedIn? ›

The social media network LinkedIn can grow into a fantastic resource for strengthening your own personal brand power. Honestly, the value of publishing content via LinkedIn's platform is absolutely worth the effort if users have a content strategy lined up from the get-go.

Are LinkedIn articles worth it in 2024? ›

LinkedIn articles might not be the easy win they were before, and once we see the opportunities past initial visibility reach, for me (and many others out there), they're certainly still worth the effort. If you are interested in harnessing the power of LinkedIn for your business, let's have a chat!

Do LinkedIn articles help with SEO? ›

Articles published on LinkedIn are also crawled by search engines. Long-form, SEO-driven, relevant and valuable content is more likely to show up in searches off of the LinkedIn platform as well.

What is the function of articles in LinkedIn? ›

To write an article: Click Write article in the share box near the top of your homepage. If you're a Super admin or Content admin of a LinkedIn Page, you'll see an option to Publish as, select which account you want to publish from, and click Next. This takes you to the publishing tool.

How often should you post articles on LinkedIn? ›

As a starting point, posting 2-5 times per week is often recommended. This frequency is enough to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them.

What kind of articles do well on LinkedIn? ›

Basically they are longer, in-depth blog liked pieces where you can create and publish on LinkedIn for you to share content about:
  • Thought leadership.
  • Professional experiences and anecdotes.
  • Industry insights and expertise.
  • Advice for other professionals.
  • Opinions on developments in your field.

Can you make money from LinkedIn articles? ›

Once you build an audience on LinkedIn, you can start making money through sponsored posts. That's right – brands will pay you to talk about their product or service to your LinkedIn audience. I've done several sponsored posts recently, for my current audience of over 20,000.

Does anyone read LinkedIn articles? ›

People love to read content. So when you create a valuable LinkedIn article and you wonder, “How do I get more views to my LinkedIn Article?” Realize that no one will find your article if you just let it sit hidden in your profile. You have to PROMOTE YOUR LINKEDIN ARTICLE with your network.

Should I put my publications on LinkedIn? ›

Showcasing your publications from within your LinkedIn profile encourages your peers and others who are interested in your work, to find out more about your publications, and provides them with an easy way to purchase them.

How many LinkedIn article views is good? ›

A good post is ten thousand views (my rule of thumb has always been 1 article view equals around 10 post views) with the same couple hundred engagements. Then there are the outliers. An article about your Weekly Search Appearances got 88,000 views, one on Fake LinkedIn Profiles, 25,000.

What is the value of LinkedIn articles? ›

In summary, the value of posting articles on LinkedIn lies in building your professional brand, networking, increasing visibility, showcasing expertise, and creating opportunities for engagement and interaction within your professional community.

Should I contribute to LinkedIn articles? ›

Contributing to these articles can help you grow a following and build a reputation on LinkedIn, while helping others move forward in their careers.

Are LinkedIn articles credible? ›

They are considered to be the most credible sources of information because they are based on evidence and rigorous research.

When should you post an article on LinkedIn? ›

Posting on weekdays delivers the highest results, with mid-morning (10 to 11 am) and lunchtime (12 pm to 1 pm) on Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays standing out. Overall, Tuesday is the most active day on LinkedIn.

Do you get paid for writing articles on LinkedIn? ›

LinkedIn's Partner Program allows you to monetize your writing on the platform by getting paid for the articles you write. The program pays writers based on the engagement their articles receive, such as views, comments, and shares. To participate in the program, you need to apply and be accepted.

What are the benefits of LinkedIn content? ›

5 Benefits of Consistently Posting On LinkedIn
  • Cultivating Meaningful Relationships. The adage "It's not what you know, but who you know" rings especially true on LinkedIn. ...
  • Expanding Your Professional Network. ...
  • Enhancing Your Skills. ...
  • Learning from Industry Peers. ...
  • Unlocking New Job or Business Opportunities.
Dec 9, 2023


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.