Who should consider a high-deductible health plan? | healthinsurance.org (2024)

Q. Who should consider a high-deductible health insurance plan?

A. If you’re healthy – or sick – and have some money saved or plan to save some in the coming year, you might want to consider a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). Yes, that’s a pretty broad description, but HDHPs can work well for people in various situations – they’re worth considering even if you have high medical costs!

A quick note about the logistics of enrolling: HDHPs are available for purchase in the individual insurance market in nearly every area of the country, so most people who buy their own health insurance have access to HDHPs (and can thus get the tax benefits of a health savings account, described below). It isn’t always obvious which plans are HDHPs – some say “HSA” in the plan name and others do not, and HSA-qualified plans can be in the bronze, silver, or gold categories depending on the plan design. It’s important to understand that HDHPs are regulated by the IRS and must conform to specific requirements; it isn’t just any plan with a high deductible.

HealthCare.gov and most of the state-run exchanges have filtering tools you can use to narrow down your choices to only HSA-qualified plans, and you can also read the plan description forms for the policies you’re considering. Open enrollment for purchasing individual health insurance – on-exchange or off-exchange — runs from November 1 to January 15 in most states, and in most cases, this is your only opportunity to buy coverage for the coming year, unless you experience a qualifying event (such as losing coverage under another health plan).

Let’s take a look at how HDHPs work and some reasons you might want to consider enrolling in one:

HDHPs typically have lower premiums thantraditional health plans because of the high deductible, and they protect you in the event of significant health events. But HDHPs are not always the lowest-priced plans available, as the out-of-pocket maximum can be higher on plans that aren’t HDHPs. Other health plans – that also have high deductibles – sometimes have lower premiums and also pay for some of the cost of non-preventive care before the deductible is met, which HDHPs cannot do.

(All health plans – including HDHPs – cover certain preventive care before the deductible is met. But HDHPs don’t pay for anything else until you’ve met the deductible. The IRS has expanded the list of services that qualify as “preventive care” for HDHPs, so certain ongoing treatments for a handful of chronic conditions can now be paid by an HDHP pre-deductible without losing HSA-eligibility. But this is optional for HDHPs to offer, and most self-purchased HDHPs continue to offer pre-deductible coverage for just the basic preventive care that has to be covered by all plans.)

When you’re healthy

If you’re in good health, rarely need prescription drugs, and don’t expect to incur significant medical expenses in the coming year, you might consider an HDHP. In trade for lower premiums, HDHPs require you to meet your deductible before you get any coverage for treatment other than preventive care. That’s in line with the conventional wisdom that says “HDHPs and HSAs are for healthy people.”

When you’re really sick

But HDHPs and HSAs are also sometimes among the best options for people who have serious health conditions and know they’re going to need extensive medical care in the coming year. There are a couple of reasons for that: Maximum out-of-pocket costs combined with premiums, as well as the tax advantages that go along with contributing to an HSA. Let’s take a look at how each of those work when a person has very significant medical needs:

Premiums + maximum out-of-pocket might be lower with an HDHP

First, the maximum out-of-pocket costs for HDHPs are often lower than the maximum out-of-pocket costs for non-HDHPs. The maximum allowable out-of-pocket exposure on an HDHP in 2024 is $8,050 for an individual and $16,100 for a family,1 whereas the maximum allowable out-of-pocket exposure on non-HDHPs is $9,450 for an individual and $18,900 for a family2

(Note that non-HDHPs that are grandmothered or grandfathered don’t have restrictions on how high their out-of-pocket exposure can be, but all HDHPs have to follow the guidelines that the IRS sets for maximum out-of-pocket exposure, as those rules predate the ACA.)

But even when you’re looking at health plans with out-of-pocket caps well below the legal limits, it’s common to see HDHPs with lower out-of-pocket limits compared with other available plans. If your employer offers multiple options and one is an HDHP, take a careful look at the maximum out-of-pocket limits for the various plans. You might be surprised to see that even though the deductible is higher on the HDHP, the total out-of-pocket exposure might be lower. That’s not always the case, but you certainly don’t want to write off the HDHP without giving it careful consideration.

When a person has very extensive medical needs, there’s a good chance that they’ll end up meeting the out-of-pocket limit on their plan regardless of whether the deductible is low or high. On an HDHP, the deductible might make up a significant chunk of the out-of-pocket exposure, whereas a person enrolling in a more traditional plan (with a lower deductible) might find that the bulk of their costs end up being coinsurance and copays. But at some point in the year, the enrollee is likely going to end up meeting the out-of-pocket cap and the insurer will start to cover all in-network costs at that point.

So the question is how much will that total out-of-pocket be, and how much is it when you also add on the cost of the premiums that you pay all year?Here are some simplified examples to help you walk through the math on this. It may be that a plan with a lower deductible still ends up being the better option, even after accounting for the potentially higher premiums. But there’s no one-size-fits-all here – you have to look at each plan and see what your total costs would end up being.

HSAs let you use pre-tax dollars to fund medical care

The other reason an HDHP can be beneficial to a person with significant medical costs is the fact that it allows the person to make contributions to a health savings account (HSA). If you know you’re going to have significant medical costs and end up meeting your out-of-pocket maximum on any plan you choose, an HDHP will allow you to put money into an HSA and then take it right back out again to pay those medical bills that you know are coming.

That way, you get to use pre-tax dollars to pay for your medical care, instead of after-tax dollars. If you’re just paying out-of-pocket, without running the money through your HSA first, you’re going to be paying with after-tax dollars. So if you know you’re going to have substantial medical bills in the upcoming year, it makes sense to set yourself up so that you can use pre-tax money to pay them instead of after-tax money.

If you don’t use an HSA,you can deduct medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your income , but that deduction is only helpful insofar as your expenses exceed that threshold, since you can’t deduct the expenses that fall below that threshold. You also have to itemize to get that deduction, and most tax filers don’t do that — especially now that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increased the standard deduction so much; for the 2021 tax year, only about 9% of all returns used itemized deductions.3

But with an HSA, you can deduct whatever you put into the HSA, up to the contribution limit (in 2024, that’s $4,150 if your HDHP covers just yourself, and $8,300 if it covers at least one other family member,1 and you have until April 15, 2025 to contribute some or all of that money). And there’s no need to itemize – you can deduct your HSA contributions even if you’re taking the standard deduction. There’s also no income limit for this deduction.

What if you need medical care but not a lot of it?

In general, people who know that they are going to need moderate medical treatment in the coming year might be better served by a traditional plan with a lower deductible and copays — even though the premiums will likely be higher than they’d be for an HDHP.

This is because people with modest health care needs might not end up meeting their out-of-pocket maximum. The lower deductible means that their insurance plan will start to pay sooner, and the plan might cover a variety of services – like office visits, urgent care visits, and prescriptions – with copays instead of having the patient pay for them with the costs counting towards the deductible.

Again, there’s no one-size-fits-all here, and “modest health care needs” means different things to different people. But if the care you’re going to need isn’t likely to put you near the out-of-pocket maximum on the plans you’re considering, you might find that you come out ahead with a traditional plan, despite the higher premiums and loss of the tax advantages that go along with the HDHP/HSA combination.

Enrolling in an HDHP? Don’t miss out on the tax advantages of an HSA

If you do decide to enroll in an HDHP, one of the benefits is that you can establish and make contributions to an HSA. You can deduct your HSA contributions when you file your tax return, without having to itemize your deductions (the deduction is taken on Schedule 1 of Form 10404)

The money in your HSA rolls over from one year to the next and remains in the account until you withdraw it — there’s no “use it or lose it” provision with an HSA.5

You can use the money in your HSA to pay your deductible and other out-of-pocket expenses, as well as any qualified medical expenses that aren’t covered by your health plan. Because your HDHP doesn’t provide any non-preventive coverage until your deductible is met, you’ll need to have some way of paying the deductible in case you need medical treatment other than preventive care. An HSA is a potential solution for making sure you have the funds available to cover your deductible if necessary.

Since HDHPs are typically among the lower-priced health plans available (but not necessarily the lowest), many people opt to purchase an HDHP, establish an HSA, and then contribute the amount they’re saving in premiums to the HSA each month. So if you’re paying $500/month for an HDHP and you’d otherwise be paying $650/month for a traditional health plan with copays and a lower deductible, you can put the $150 savings into the HSA each month instead of paying it to your insurance company.

If and when you need to meet your deductible, the money is there for you to use. But if you don’t end up needing to meet your deductible, the money in your HSA is still yours to keep – it’s always tax-free to withdraw it for medical expenses, even if you don’t keep your HDHP long-term.

Read more about HSAs in our article explaining the top ten reasons to use an HSA.

healthinsurance.org does not offer tax advice. This article is intended only to provide background information about how HDHPs and HSAs work. Readers should consult a tax professional if they have questions about their specific circ*mstances and whether an HDHP/HSA might be a good fit for their needs.

Louise Norris is an individual health insurance broker who has been writing about health insurance and health reform since 2006. She has written dozens of opinions and educational pieces about the Affordable Care Act for healthinsurance.org.


  1. Revenue Procedure 2023-23” Internal Revenue Service. Published May 2023.
  2. Premium Adjustment Percentage, Maximum Annual Limitation on Cost Sharing, Reduced Maximum Annual Limitation on Cost Sharing, and Required Contribution Percentage for the 2024 Benefit Year” Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. December 2022.
  3. Table 1. All Individual Returns: Selected Income Items, Adjustments, Credits, and Taxes, by Size of Adjusted Gross Income, Tax Year 2021 (through Filing Season 2022 Cycle 47, November 24, 2022)” (Line 11 and Line 62) Internal Revenue Service. November 24, 2022.
  4. Schedule 1 — Additional Income and Adjustments to Income” and “Form 1040 — U.S. Individual Income Tax Return” Internal Revenue Service. Accessed February 13, 2024.
  5. Publication 969 —What are the benefits of an HSA?” Internal Revenue Service. Accessed February 13, 2024.
Who should consider a high-deductible health plan? | healthinsurance.org (2024)


Who should choose a high-deductible health plan? ›

A high-deductible health plan can make sense for you if: You're healthy and rarely get sick or injured. You have no existing medical conditions. You can afford to pay the high deductible out of your pocket if an unexpected medical expense arises.

What kind of person might be a good candidate for a high deductible health insurance policy? ›

An HDHP is best for younger, healthier people who don't expect to need health care coverage except in the face of a serious health emergency. Wealthy individuals and families who can afford to pay the high deductible out of pocket and want the benefits of an HSA may benefit from HDHPs.

What does the government consider a high-deductible health plan? ›

HDHPs may have a higher annual deductible than traditional health plans. For 2021, an HDHP in the FEHB Program has a minimum annual deductible of $1,400 for Self Only coverage and $2,800 for Self Plus One/Self and Family coverage (the deductible amount is indexed every year).

Who would best be served by a high-deductible plan? ›

If you're in good health, rarely need prescription drugs, and don't expect to incur significant medical expenses in the coming year, you might consider an HDHP. In trade for lower premiums, HDHPs require you to meet your deductible before you get any coverage for treatment other than preventive care.

Why would someone choose a higher deductible? ›

Key takeaways. Low deductibles are best when an illness or injury requires extensive medical care. High-deductible plans offer more manageable premiums and access to HSAs. HSAs offer a trio of tax benefits and can be a source of retirement income.

What is the benefit of choosing a high deductible health care plan such plans? ›

A high deductible healthcare plan has premiums that are significantly lower than those offered by traditional plans such as PPOs. These savings are one of the most commonly cited reasons for choosing a high deductible healthcare plan.

What makes a high-deductible health plan qualified? ›

Save for your deductible

You will have more than 60% of this amount saved in your HSA. Per IRS guidelines in 2024, an HDHP is a health insurance plan with a deductible of at least $1,600 if you have an individual plan or a deductible of at least $3,200 if you have a family plan.

Why people who are in good health might prefer to have a high deductible insurance plan with a health savings account? ›

The health savings account (HSA) helps people with high-deductible health insurance plans cover out-of-pocket medical costs. Contributions to HSAs aren't subject to federal income tax, and the earnings in the account grow tax-free.

How do you explain a high-deductible health plan to employees? ›

Help employees understand HDHPs with an HSA in five simple steps
  1. Step 1: Define everything in simple terms. ...
  2. Step 2: Explain the way it works. ...
  3. Step 3: Describe the benefits to the employee. ...
  4. Step 4: Go over the math. ...
  5. Step 5: Help them make the right decision.

How do I know if I'm on a high-deductible health plan? ›

In most cases, your health insurer or your employer can confirm if you are enrolled in a qualifying high-deductible health plan. Oftentimes, this information is included in the declaration page of your policy or in another official correspondence.

What does the IRS consider a high-deductible health plan? ›

An HDHP is health coverage with a: Higher annual deductible than typical health plans and. Maximum limit on the sum of the annual deductible and out-of-pocket medical expenses that the taxpayer must pay for covered expenses. Out-of-pocket expenses include copayments and cost sharing but do not include premiums.

What is considered a high-deductible health plan in 2024? ›

For calendar year 2024, a “high deductible health plan” is defined under § 223(c)(2)(A) as a health plan with an annual deductible that is not less than $1,600 for self-only coverage or $3,200 for family coverage, and for which the annual out-of-pocket expenses (deductibles, co-payments, and other amounts, but not ...

Who is a high deductible plan good for? ›

If you're relatively healthy and generally don't have medical expenses beyond annual physicals and screenings, you're likely to save money by opting for an HDHP over a low-deductible plan. That's because yearly checkups and screenings count as preventive services, which HDHPs typically cover.

Which is better, high deductible or PPO? ›

In general, HDHPs are better suited for people who are young, single, healthy, or wealthy. PPO plans tend to be better options for people who are older, have a family, or have chronic medical conditions.

What is a disadvantage of choosing Kaiser? ›

Cons Explained

Though it has a strong presence regionally in California, Colorado, the Pacific Northwest, and the Mid-Atlantic, Kaiser is not available in most of the country. HMOs are the only available plan type: Kaiser only offers MA plans of the HMO variety.

What percent of people have high deductible health plans? ›

High deductible health plans and health savings accounts
YearAll workers500 workers or more
8 more rows
Apr 11, 2024

How do I determine if HSA is right for me? ›

The decision is different for each individual. If you are generally healthy and/or have a reasonable idea of your annual healthcare expenses, then you could save money from the lower premiums and valuable tax-advantaged account with an HSA/HDHP plan.

Is PPO or high deductible better? ›

PPO vs HDHP rules

The advantage of a PPO is mostly for people who may need more medical attention because of a chronic condition. This plan is your best option for easier access to specialists. But you will pay more for a PPO with or without the high deductible.

Is it better to have a high deductible or low deductible with health insurance? ›

Is It Better to Have a Higher or Lower Deductible? Your health situation will ultimately determine which deductible is best for you. If you're healthy and young, an HDHP may be best because you will likely only require preventive care and little to no medical services per year.


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